So, this month something beyond my wildest dreams is happening. Take one of your favorite couture designers, and get him designing for the big box store you spent the most money in as a kid.
Any guesses? Yes, that's Alexander McQueen + Target = ????
When I said beyond my wildest dreams, I did not mean I am running off to Target now (well, if I had one near me I might). I think I meant that for just one millisecond the world stopped, and I had to press the reset button. Okay. Healthy paradigm shift, I am always up for that.
H&M has already built its name on designer copying and collaboration both, as well as simply being an internationally shopped fashion mecca of sorts. Target is a whole different kind of Big Box. You can get hot dogs there, and shaving cream, and tupperware. I am not snobbing up here, just stating the facts. Does not the world shake at the fact that Alexander McQueen is designing for Tar-zjay?

This is a perfect moment in fashion consciousness where you have the good, the bad, and the ugly all at one table. What do I mean? Well, raise your hand if you shop at Target...
A. I shop at Target because they have wonderfully low prices on clothes that work for me.
B. I don't shop for clothes at Target because it is not the fashionista haven I am accustomed to.
C. I don't shop at Target for anything at all because I prefer to support small shops/designers for all my goods.
D. All of the above.

I don't think I can offer any closure on this subject just yet. In the meantime, tell us what you think about big box fashion...
(These photos were snagged from fashionisima, what seems like great blog, as far as my Spanish goes.)
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